Upcoming Retreat: The Journey to the Great Below

Facilitated by

Magda Permut and Molly Klekamp

September 22 -23, 2023

Registration: tendrilscommunity@gmail.com

We are living in times of great change. From our unique vantage point, poised between the cosmos and the earth, we can feel the tectonic plates shifting beneath us and know that there are seeds longing to grow through the cracks.  A world that honors all of life is waiting to be born. 

Each of us has our sacred work inside this transition. 

Each of us is called.

And yet, living in the shell of the overculture there are precious few places to practice the deep listening that is required to navigate the path forward.

Welcome to the Journey to the Great Below

Enter “the space between”.  Step intentionally into the seasonal shift from summer to fall. Gather with a small group of committed others and let yourself be guided by one of the oldest myths recorded.   Speak with land that presented itself synchronistically to teach and be honored for this purpose.  Come reclaim your ancestors and history, find a heartspace big enough to hold your part of the suffering of the world, and source a sovereignty inside that you can call on to make powerful decisions in the days to come.   Expect storytelling, connection with others, deep reflection, nature-based ritual, authentic communication with land, creative expression, dreamwork, and reclaiming the magic that is your  birthright. 


This is a 2 day and 1 night all inclusive residential retreat

Various accommodation options will be available including double rooms, outside in tents, or find private accommodation in the area and just come for the programming. Weather permitting, most of the event will occur outdoors

All meals will be included, dietary restrictions will be honored

Expect variable temperatures ranging from warm, dry weather to cooler temperatures and rain

Those joining from out of state will be assisted in finding rides and accommodation on the adjacent days if needed

Participants should be prepared for:

Periods of intentional silence/darkness


Movement (adapted as necessary for those with varying abilities)

Finding your growth edge

Managing your own bodily needs and adjusting, asking for help with, or abstaining from activities that do not support your well-being

Participating in emergent, intuitive process ~ Facilitators will be responding to the co-created field in real time and following what wants to be created at this time, in this place, with the human and non-human beings that show up.

Who This Retreat is For:

Our retreats and classes are best suited for those already engaged in their own personal work who are looking to expand this work. This retreat is especially suited for therapists, counselors, coaches or others engaged in deep self exploration either personally or professionally.

Cost and Registration:

The base cost of the retreat is $440.  This includes all costs from Friday afternoon to Saturday dinner. Scholarships are available.

For more information and to fill out an application, please email us at tendrilscommunity@gmail.com


Upcoming Seminar: The Wild Within II


Upcoming Talk Series and Book Club